Play piano music from Fukushima -5beats room-

The melodies of the piano from Fukushima
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The songs composed of only quintuple tempo. Quintuple tempo is full of freedom.
Are you with me, Homo sapiens?
ソナタ ホ短調

This song was composed; based on notes of melodies that were flowing through my head, accordingly to the events and feelings I had while I was doing my own daily decontamination work three years after the nuclear plant accident.


First Movement
Allegro 5/4 E moll
アレグロ 4分の5拍子 ホ短調

I was carrying a radiation meter and picking weeds for decontamination on a daily basis. The dosimeter was set to sound an alarm above 0.5 microsievert.
One spring day, I went out to pick up weeds in the backyard with my usual anxiety, but the alarm did not go on.A fanfare rang out in my head and a bright melody played in my head from the joy I felt.
But soon, there was also a new concern: where did the radioactive materials go?


Second Movement
Lento 5/4 E moll
レント 4分の5拍子 ホ短調

The alarm did not sound again that afternoon. When I felt at ease, a warm melody began to sound.
Nevertheless, there was still some concern about where the radioactive materials had gone.

その日の午後も警報音は鳴りませんでした。 安心したときに温かみを感じる旋律が鳴り出しました。

Third Movement
Allegretto-Allegro 5/4 E moll
アレグレット-アレグロ 4分の5拍子 ホ短調

I placed it at the beginning of this movement because the same melody always played when I thought of radioactive materials.
The chestnut tree that was my late father's pride and the plum tree that my late mother cherished were also contaminated. It reminded me of the "Song of the Chestnut Tree" and the "Song of the Plum Tree" that I had once made.
When I was about to give up on the idea of living a normal life, decontamination work was carried out by a professional contractor. The soil in the garden was peeled away and the trees were cut down, leaving nothing but a bitter taste in my mouth.


ウクライナ 印象とエール
Ukraine Impressions and Cheering
Allegretto-Allegro 4/5 E moll
ウクライナ 印象とエール
アレグレット-アレグロ 4分の5拍子 ホ短調

Hearing the news about the Russian invasion of Ukraine, I searched online for information about Ukraine.I found pictures of vast wheat fields, or men and women dancing happily in their traditional costumes.
A melody popped into my head.
After that, every time I saw or heard the news, the melody ran through my head.
I had thought they would be able to stand up to the great Russian power for only about three days. However, at the moment I also had a faint hope, the melody of rooting for Ukraine.

ロシアによるウクライナ侵攻が始まったとのニュースに、ウクライナとはどのような国かをネットで調べました。 広大な麦畑と民族衣装を身にまとい楽しそうに踊っている男女の写真を目にしました。

ソナタ ホ短調

After the accident, many ideas of songs came through in my head.
I put some scene records together into "the heart of the victims"(all 3 tracks),They remind me of the days I was trying to find any hope even I was in anxiety, fear and anger.

原発事故の後、様々な場面で頭の中をいろいろな旋律が駆け巡りました。 場面が記録されているものは「被災者の心」(全3曲)にまとめましたが、どのような場面であったか記憶にないものを集めてこの曲にまとめ上げました。不安や恐怖、憤りの中にあって少しでも希望を見出そうとする日々が思い起こされます。

First Movement
Adagio-Allegro 5/4 E moll
アダージョ-アレグロ 4分の5拍子 ホ短調

16 bars in the introduction were came to my mind when I felt uneasy.
In the first theme, I didn’t know what to do, I’m not sure...The second theme was the same time as first one, but I made it in major.However, I added negative melodies later. After that, it went formality.


Second Movement
Adagio 5/4 E moll
アダージョ 4分の5拍子 ホ短調

I was depressed after the accident.Drawing the curtain, tears were rolled down my cheek. At the moment, I remembered the word which my father had told me when I was a child.I got an idea from that conversation for first half of this song.
In that evening, I saw some pictures in the Internet to change my mood. The moment I saw "The Angelus" of Millet, bells and mezzo-piano voice sounded in my head. I recorded them as they are, even though I couldn't understand what language they are.

原発事故の数週間後の精神的にまいっていたときの夕方、廊下のカーテンを閉めようとしたときに亡き父親が思い出され、思わず泣き言を言ってしまいました。亡き父は、子供の頃に私に言い聞かせた一つの言葉を発するのみでした。 前半は、その父とのやりとりが旋律になったものです。

Third Movement
Presto-Allegro-Allegretto-Allegro 5/4 E moll
プレスト-アレグロ-アレグレット-アレグロ 4分の5拍子 ホ短調

These are the melodies came after the accident ,but I forgot the situation.
Anxious, positive feelings and many feelings were mixed in me.Those days, complicated information changed my mind easily.I put some melodies in order.Because so many melodies are in that song ,someone said to me, "Make it sonata. That's much faster."I was singing a theme to cheer me up over and over.So, I put it in this song again and again.

不安や気を取り直そうとしていた頃のもの或いは怒りが込み上げてきたときのもの等であり、情報の良し悪しで刻一刻様々に感情が変化していたためいろいろな旋律をほぼ出現順に入れてあります。 ソナタを数曲作ったほうが早いとまで言われたほど場面が変化して行きます。また、途中で何度も自称「元気出せ」の主題を繰り返し口ずさんでいましたので、その旋律を繰り返し入れてあります。

ソナチネ ハ長調

Since the accident, I had felt anxious, so I tried to make a cheerful song.


First Movement
Andante-Allegro 5/4 C dur
アンダンテ-アレグロ 4分の5拍子 ハ長調

I found some melody notes which I wrote in my early 20s.Using them, I wrote a sonatine as the first theme.
At that time, I wanted to make it 4/4 tempo.However, I couldn’t make it, so I had left it as it is.
Also, some notes which are from my middle 20s, had made into the second theme.


Second Movement
Adagio 5/4 A moll
アダージョ 4分の5拍子 イ短調

Because of the accident, I sometimes lost my grip.
Just standing still for a while in my room, melodies came in and out.The second theme was made of them.


Third Movement
Allegro 5/4 C dur
アレグロ 4分の5拍子 ハ長調

I went to see a piano concert which my cousin played in Tokyo, and many happy melodies came and went. Because I was relived from worrying about radiation dose rate. The notes were made into this song.


Presto 5/4 E moll
プレスト 4分の5拍子 ホ短調

This is a song I didn’t think deeply ,but came out through the conversation with Sakura on Facebook. Sakura is my college friend and we both belonged to Kokugakuin Guitar Ensemble.



Play piano music from Fukushima -5beats room-


5 beats room5拍子の部屋

The songs composed of only quintuple tempo.
Quintuple tempo is full of freedom. Are you with me, Homo sapiens?
ソナタ ホ短調

This song was composed; based on notes of melodies that were flowing through my head, accordingly to the events and feelings I had while I was doing my own daily decontamination work three years after the nuclear plant accident.


First Movement
Adagio-Allegro 5/4 E moll
アダージョ-アレグロ 4分の5拍子 ホ短調

I was carrying a radiation meter and picking weeds for decontamination on a daily basis. The dosimeter was set to sound an alarm above 0.5 microsievert.
One spring day, I went out to pick up weeds in the backyard with my usual anxiety, but the alarm did not go on.A fanfare rang out in my head and a bright melody played in my head from the joy I felt.
But soon, there was also a new concern: where did the radioactive materials go?


Second Movement
Lento 5/4 E moll
レント 4分の5拍子 ホ短調

The alarm did not sound again that afternoon. When I felt at ease, a warm melody began to sound.
Nevertheless, there was still some concern about where the radioactive materials had gone.

その日の午後も警報音は鳴りませんでした。 安心したときに温かみを感じる旋律が鳴り出しました。

Third Movement
Allegretto-Allegro 5/4 E moll
アレグレット-アレグロ 4分の5拍子 ホ短調

I placed it at the beginning of this movement because the same melody always played when I thought of radioactive materials.
The chestnut tree that was my late father's pride and the plum tree that my late mother cherished were also contaminated. It reminded me of the "Song of the Chestnut Tree" and the "Song of the Plum Tree" that I had once made.
When I was about to give up on the idea of living a normal life, decontamination work was carried out by a professional contractor. The soil in the garden was peeled away and the trees were cut down, leaving nothing but a bitter taste in my mouth.


ウクライナ 印象とエール
Ukraine Impressions and Cheering
ウクライナ 印象とエール
Allegretto-Allegro 4/5 E moll
アレグレットーアレグロ 4分の5拍子 ホ短調

Hearing the news about the Russian invasion of Ukraine, I searched online for information about Ukraine.I found pictures of vast wheat fields, or men and women dancing happily in their traditional costumes.
A melody popped into my head.
After that, every time I saw or heard the news, the melody ran through my head.
I had thought they would be able to stand up to the great Russian power for only about three days. However, at the moment I also had a faint hope, the melody of rooting for Ukraine.

ロシアによるウクライナ侵攻が始まったとのニュースに、ウクライナとはどのような国かをネットで調べました。 広大な麦畑と民族衣装を身にまとい楽しそうに踊っている男女の写真を目にしました。

ソナタ ホ短調

After the accident, many ideas of songs came through in my head.
I put some scene records together into "the heart of the victims"(all 3 tracks),They remind me of the days I was trying to find any hope even I was in anxiety, fear and anger.

原発事故の後、様々な場面で頭の中をいろいろな旋律が駆け巡りました。 場面が記録されているものは「被災者の心」(全3曲)にまとめましたが、どのような場面であったか記憶にないものを集めてこの曲にまとめ上げました。不安や恐怖、憤りの中にあって少しでも希望を見出そうとする日々が思い起こされます。

First Movement
Adagio-Allegro 5/4 E moll
アダージョ-アレグロ 4分の5拍子 ホ短調

16 bars in the introduction were came to my mind when I felt uneasy.
In the first theme, I didn’t know what to do, I’m not sure...The second theme was the same time as first one, but I made it in major.However, I added negative melodies later. After that, it went formality.


Second Movement
Adagio 5/4 E moll
アダージョ 4分の5拍子 ホ短調

I was depressed after the accident.Drawing the curtain, tears were rolled down my cheek. At the moment, I remembered the word which my father had told me when I was a child.I got an idea from that conversation for first half of this song.
In that evening, I saw some pictures in the Internet to change my mood. The moment I saw "The Angelus" of Millet, bells and mezzo-piano voice sounded in my head. I recorded them as they are, even though I couldn't understand what language they are.

原発事故の数週間後の精神的にまいっていたときの夕方、廊下のカーテンを閉めようとしたときに亡き父親が思い出され、思わず泣き言を言ってしまいました。亡き父は、子供の頃に私に言い聞かせた一つの言葉を発するのみでした。 前半は、その父とのやりとりが旋律になったものです。

Third Movement
Presto-Allegro-Allegretto-Allegro 5/4 E moll
プレスト-アレグロ-アレグレット-アレグロ 4分の5拍子 ホ短調

These are the melodies came after the accident ,but I forgot the situation.
Anxious, positive feelings and many feelings were mixed in me.Those days, complicated information changed my mind easily.I put some melodies in order.Because so many melodies are in that song ,someone said to me, "Make it sonata. That's much faster."I was singing a theme to cheer me up over and over.So, I put it in this song again and again.

不安や気を取り直そうとしていた頃のもの或いは怒りが込み上げてきたときのもの等であり、情報の良し悪しで刻一刻様々に感情が変化していたためいろいろな旋律をほぼ出現順に入れてあります。 ソナタを数曲作ったほうが早いとまで言われたほど場面が変化して行きます。また、途中で何度も自称「元気出せ」の主題を繰り返し口ずさんでいましたので、その旋律を繰り返し入れてあります。

ソナチネ ハ長調

Since the accident, I had felt anxious, so I tried to make a cheerful song.


First Movement
Andante-Allegro 5/4 C dur
アンダンテ-アレグロ 4分の5拍子 ハ長調

I found some melody notes which I wrote in my early 20s.Using them, I wrote a sonatine as the first theme.
At that time, I wanted to make it 4/4 tempo.However, I couldn’t make it, so I had left it as it is.
Also, some notes which are from my middle 20s, had made into the second theme.

Second Movement
Adagio 5/4 A moll
アダージョ 4分の5拍子 イ短調

Because of the accident, I sometimes lost my grip.
Just standing still for a while in my room, melodies came in and out.The second theme was made of them.


Third Movement
Allegro 5/4 C dur
アレグロ 4分の5拍子 ハ長調

I went to see a piano concert which my cousin played in Tokyo, and many happy melodies came and went. Because I was relived from worrying about radiation dose rate. The notes were made into this song.


Presto 5/4 E moll
プレスト 4分の5拍子 ホ短調